Monday, December 05, 2005

Krispy Kreme doughnuts are the best in the world! And they are available in the basement of Lotte departmental store in Myeongdong here in Seoul! Actually we passed by that Krispy Kreme twice already, but it was always packed with people... not surprising since its always Saturday or Sunday we pass it... Today me and Bernard went there, after going to this giant bookstore (Kyobo bookstore) and getting tons of books... (me not Bernard) they were cheap too! very cheap in fact. Ok Krispy Kreme! There wasn't much of a queue, only about 5 people in front of us. And the prices are as such... 1 single doughnut = 1000 Won. a dozen original glazed = 8000 Won. HUH?? Who'd get one at that rate?? A dozen assorted flavours = 10000 Won. So we got a dozen of assorted flavours... but not before they gave us each a sample doughnut!!! WOOOO.... Crispy and soft and piping hot! I love Krispy Kreme!

Ok then we walked Lotte Young, which is a sort of branch of Lotte, which caters to the younger crowd (duh)... then we went back without buying clothes haha. Well now so we have this dozen of doughnuts, so we decided to give some to the International exchange team (5 of them), and some to the others who are lucky enough to see us! haha.. so... we walked to their office, which is very near to our hostel, just next door, and before we went up I called Jinju, but she hung up on me!!! Oh well no doughnuts for them then... so we went back to our hostel.. Around 6.15 Jinju called me and asked what was up and I said we had Krispy Kreme doughnuts for them... but... And at this point she screamed into the phone "KRISPY KREME?? MY FAVOURITE!!!" God... my eardrums... I told her we still had a few left so if she really wanted she could drop by and get them.. Turns out she was coming over anyway to return Melecio something... lucky for her! But she was going to have dinner first so me and Bernard went for dinner as well.. We arrived back at the hostel before she did and waited for her to arrive... then Ernest appeared as well, so all 4 of us, Ernest Jinju Bernard and me went to my room to eat doughnuts! haha! well actually Jinju just took 2 in a bag to bring home cos she wanted to eat hot ones... Ernest took 2 and Bernard and I took one each, cos we had 2 already in the afternoon Muahaha.. Then I transferred mine and Bernard's photos of Jinju to my thumbdrive for her to bring back...

Tomorrow is Korean etiquette class! Hope it will be fun... and we're learning 2 more instruments tomorrow! the drum and zither. And so our schedule starts... 10 to 2 pm with an hour lunch... oh well... its gonna be exciting!

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