Sunday, December 11, 2005

Well nothing much to update lately... we finally started Changgu lessons, which is a two sided drum.. and boy was it bad... the left arm is totally gone after the first lesson which was thank goodness on Friday... I hate to think what it would become on next Friday when we have lessons from Tuesday to Friday... Hope the arm doesn't drop off...

Oh one funny incident... last thursday we were supposed to have Changgu lessons, but apparently there was a mix up and someone forgot to tell us there wasn't, so we went to look for our supervisor from the Institute of Traditional Korean music, and he got so flustered! Then he told us to follow him, and he brought us to this storeroom of sorts... and gave us each a set of 4 CDs! Whao... and he said don't be angry.. Actually that set of CD we wanted from quite a long time ago, so not sure whether he's giving it to us cos he's trying to apease us or cos he was supposed to give it us already. Both reasons I think haha.

Today (sunday) we went to eat at some BBQ place near our dorm.. quite cool.. like Bulgogi, but no sauce, and you have this rice in a box which you add things in and shake it to mix it well haha then you put everything into lettuce leaves and eat it in one gulp! Each leaf i mean not all the rice. I noticed we ate the most leaves haha... the other people in that place didn't ask for refills... we did.. 4 times! And its me, Bernard, Mele and Tham... yumyum!

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